Collision Conference as a New Grad

Bashini B
1 min readJul 12, 2020

Collision is one of the largest North American tech conferences. So going to this conference was more than a little exciting to me. This 3 day conference was filled with tech giants talking about how they were tackling challenges that arose due to COVID 19.

Let me list my three favorite takeaways as a new computer engineering graduate.

  • These are unprecedented times but that’s alright.
    Opportunities do exist. We just have to look in the right places. Many of the conference talks were based on AI while most workshops taught cloud computing. This leads me to believe that the new job market will be centered around AI, cloud computing and implementing complementary security protocols.
  • These changes were coming. The pandemic is only speeding everything along.
    Self driving cars, AI based business solutions and better online education platforms were already being developed. Infrastructure needed to sustainably manage the new market needs were already put in place years ago by some countries like Finland. In Finland, AI courses are offered even to their inmates.
  • During a crisis, managing the situation comes first.
    Finding optimum solutions is a process. At this time, gracefully accepting the chaos and making necessary changes in both our personal and career life is key.

